

ARTAMO PRESS is an independent publisher of modern literary fiction, non-fiction and contemporary poetry in beautiful Santa Barbara, California.


Quitter l‘île  du passé Cover

Quitter l’île du passé

A novel in French by Elvira Laskowski

"Leaving the Island of the Past" is her first novel. The author mixes the world of mathematical thought with literary works in the context of the nocturnal reflections of the heroine who suffers from insomnia.

ISBN 978-0-9788475-7-9, paperback, 128 pages, $16.90
special price from Artamo Press with tax and U.S. shipping included: $20.50 > BUY NOW
also available at Amazon


Black Spider Cover

Black Spider

Crossing the Land of Darkness / Poems by Elvira Laskowski

Elvira Laskowski does no less than go to war for her life when she is diagnosed with cancer. Driven to uncover earlier traumas, she writes it was poetry "too beautiful to bear" that inspired her to cross the land of darkness to tackle fear. Her strength and courage to look at her life with utmost honesty and a chiseled pen, allows the reader fully into her life to be equally inspired. Her images are exotic, as is her use of color. Through her struggle she finds a love that sustains her and brings her to the moment of this book, Black Spider. In examining every aspect of herself, she found love waiting for her in a "Tiny closet behind / Dusty piles of conventions." — This book is ultimately a love poem to Jack N. Mohr, artist, her publisher and true love, a testament to the healing force of love.

ISBN 978-0-9788475-6-2, paperback, 88 pages, $12.90
special price from Artamo Press with tax and U.S. shipping included: $16.50  > BUY NOW
also available at Amazon



With Nothing behind but Sky

A Journey Through Grief / Poems by Perie Longo

Perie Longo’s poems transport us from the spectrum of emotion: tragic and cathartic to funny and hilarious. She is a virtuoso in each form she chooses, carrying us with her, laughing and crying. 
Poems in Perie Longo’s book, With Nothing behind but Sky — a journey through grief, cover a nine year period from the diagnosis of her husband’s leukemia, through his treatment, death and beyond showing how time changes grief, and how the relationship of a husband and wife continues even after death, always there like the sky, which offers hope even when life seems darkest.

ISBN 978-0-9788475-0-0, 96 pages, paperback, $12.90, tax included, free U.S. shipping
special price from Artamo Press with tax and U.S. shipping included: $16.50 > BUY NOW


Ways of Being Dead

New and Selected Poems by David Starkey

While Starkey’s poetry has appeared in hundreds of literary journals and limited edition books and chapbooks, Ways of Being Dead is the first time his major work has been collected in a single volume. Readers acquainted with Starkey’s poems will recognize his wry voice, impec- cable ear, and wide range of form and subject matter.

ISBN 978-0-9788475-1-7, paperback, 128 pages, $14.90
special price from Artamo Press with tax and U.S. shipping included: $18.50 > BUY NOW


Charm School

Five Women of the Odyssey
A Poetic Drama in Five Parts by Randall J. VanderMey

In Charm School Homer’s Odyssey springs to life in comically witty, psychologically rich poetry full of epic resonance. The drama of Odysseus’ delayed home-coming from the Trojan War is told as encounters with five strong women: Circe, Calypso, Nausicaa, Athena, and Penelope. All the famed encounters are there, the Cyclops, the Lotus Eaters, the Clashing Rocks, the descent into the Underworld, but the real story here is one of seduction, faithfulness, devotion to duty, and the ultimate testing of love. Who is the hero: tardy Odysseus or long-suffering Penelope?

ISBN 978-0-9788475-2-4, paperback, 64 pages, $10.90
 special price from Artamo Press with tax and U.S. shipping included: $14.50 > BUY NOW



Adventures of the Minor Poet

Poems by David Starkey

In Adventures of the Minor Poet David Starkey offers what most any reader desires: story, a great character, humor, wit, a rich engagement with the physical world that takes us past it, insights trickling through before we realize it, an earned and subtle poignancy. — And what fun it is to read this book. What a pleasure to ride the intelligence of this language.

80 pages, paperback, $11.90, ISBN 978-0-9788475-3-1   – SOLD OUT


Libido Dreams

New and Selected Poems by Glenna Luschei

Glenna Luschei’s poetry collection Libido Dreams was inspired by the Greek poet Odysseas Elytis. All of her poems respond to variations of his philosophy of love, beauty and justice.

84 pages, paperback, $12.90, ISBN 978-0-9788475-4-8  – SOLD OUT


The Doves Flew High

Poems by David Krieger 

David Krieger’s collection, The Doves Flew High, tells the truth with courage, clarity, and passion. Each poem is a seed of peace. Together they create a bouquet for life that we will want to take into our hearts for no less than the survival of the human race. This book, as David Krieger’s first book of poetry, Today Is Not a Good Day for War (2005), received the Peace Writing Award of the Peace and Justice Studies Association and OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology. (Sad news: David Krieger passed away on December 7, 2023. Read more…)

80 pages, paperback, $11.90, ISBN 978-0-9788475-5-5  – SOLD OUT


Special Bundle: Two very different books from the same author: Black Spider &
Quitter l’île du passé

Get both of Elvira Laskowski’s paperback books — the collection of poems and the French novel — for a special package price directly from the publisher.

ISBN 978-0-9788475-6-2, paperback, 88 pages
ISBN 978-0-9788475-7-9, paperback, 128 pages

special from Artamo Press
with tax and U.S. shipping included: $33.50 > BUY NOW

Elvira Laskowski Combo: Black Spider (english) & Quitter l‘île du passé


Santa Barbara, California

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